Friday, November 20, 2009

So, I got an Atari 2600 Emulator... This is Part A,

It's called Stella. And with it came a ROM of every single game ever made for the 2600.

So, in typical me fashion, I am now going to play EVERY SINGLE ONE. And blog about them. Because I can.


3-D Tic Tac Toe

This is not 3d. Coincidentally, it is not fun. 1/5.

A-Team, The

This game seems to consist of Mr. T's head sporadically shooting laser beams at robots that he can't hit. And somehow I'm supposed to Save Hannibal.

This game sucks. 1/5

Acid Drop

Despite the fun name, this game is only a tetris ripoff with a horribly ear piercing soundtrack. Dr. Leary is nowhere to be found. 3/5, because I can actually figure out how to PLAY IT.

Action Force

This game consists of a saucer sliding on the ground underneath an undulating serpent. There is no point to this game. I do not know why it is called Action Force, as there is neither Action nor Force in this game. Just an undulating serpent being. 1/5.


A number 1 on a gray background. Exhilarating. 1/5.

Adventures Of Tron

Okay, once I got past the hypnotic start screen, the actual game has nothing to do with lightbikes or lasers. In fact, other than the fact that there is sound effects, this game is complete ass. 2/5, because the start screen was cool.

Adventures On GX-12

Adventures on GX-12 is the same game as Adventures Of Tron. Literally, the exact same thing. The same Modem-port enemies and mutating coin-things. The only difference is the color of Tron/GX-12.

Air Raid

Hey look, a playable game. Fuck yeah. This is awesome, in a retro way. 5/5.

Air Raiders

Not to be confused with Air Raid, which was actually kind of fun, this game is unplayable and stupid. Also, AMMO has two m's. 1/5.

Air Sea Battle

One would assume this game has something to do with Air forces and Sea forces battling. That is not the case. This is a game about positioning turrets. I was sadly mistaken. 1/5.

Airlock: Data Age

I assume this was made to show people the graphics capabilities of the 2600, because all it is is some fish swimming in front of a submarine. 1/5.


It's like Pac-Man, but the ghosts don't hurt you and you can't move. 1/5.

Alien's Return

It's like Alien, but there are no ghosts and you look like the retarded brother of ET. 1/5.

Alligator People

Surprisingly fun. The gimmick of moving walls is well played, and 8-way directional movement works flawlessly. Plus, I actually enjoyed it. 4/5.

Alpha Beam

No. 1/5.


Finally, a game that captures the true excitement of angling, available for your home television! THE ENTIRE GAME LOOKS LIKE THIS. 1/5.


Actually fun. Apparently the plot, as well as I can deduce, revolves around you, a diver equipped with a rifle, going around and slaughtering sea creatures until a turtle tells you you are out of air. The sea creatures, dangerous fish all, touch you and you die. Brilliance, sheer brilliance. I smell a movie tie-in. 5/5, because it's playable and fun.

Arcade Golf

This game has nothing to do with arcades or golf. It makes no sense whatsoever. And why is it made by Sears...? 1/5.

Armor Ambush

AW SWEET A TANK BATTLE GAME. These were always my favorites. And to be fair, AA does not disappoint. A solid 5/5, comrade.

Artillery Duel

AW SWEET ANOTHER TANK BATTLE GAME. This one does disappoint. 2/5, because I liked the title and the idea is there.


Nothing happens when I press buttons, that annoying thing just keeps shooting. And missing. And shooting some more. 1/5.


Once you get over the fact that nothing makes any sense in this game, you can realize that it's not that bad. 4/5.


...still isn't that bad. 4/5.


intuitive controls... decent graphics... innovative gameplay... yeah, I actually got stuck playing this one for a bit. It's kind of like falling asteroids. 5/5.


This is a total combo going on here. Astrowar is another good game! THIS IS FREAKING ME OUT. As you can tell by my score up there in the top left, I really got into this one. 5/5.

Well. Damn that took a while. And that was only A-games. I still have 25 fucking letters.

Oh, and in case anyone's wondering, I did skip a couple games because the ROMs I had for them were bad. Sorry if anyone really wanted me to do Autorennen.

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