Friday, December 18, 2009

Things StumbleUpon users hate.

Okay, so in case anyone doesn't have the marvelous add-on known as StumbleUpon, GO GET IT. NOW. It'll waste more of your time than you would ever... not want wasted. So get it. Trust me.

To summarize StumbleUpon, it basically gives you a random webpage based on your interests. Do you know what that means? A RANDOM FUCKING WEBPAGE. Do you know how many webpages are on the internet? A FUCKING GAZILLION. So needless to say, StumbleUpon keeps you occupied.

There are downsides, though. If you're a hardened SU veteran, like I, you may periodically come across websites that only complete fucking dumbasses would thumbs up. These are a few of the aforementioned sites.


No, it's not fucking funny. No, it's not any fucking funnier if you add stupid text and a ridiculously stupid music to the background. FUCK. I DON'T LIKE YOUR STUPID MUSIC. THERE IS NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT STUMBLINGUPON A FUCKING SPONGEBOB PICTURE WITH DEATH METAL IN THE BACKGROUND. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE.


Kittens are EVERYWHERE. THEY ARE NOT FUNNY OR CUTE ANYMORE. LOLcats are a fucking plague on the internet. They are the only meme I am wholeheartedly against. Oh my god, is that your cat? Did you put words underneath him? How FUCKING STUPID. Or should I put it in your vernacular, did yoo put werdz ull undir teh kittehz? poop in ur nogginz!

Unbelievably Sketchy Paranormal Sites.

Maybe this is my fault for checking 'Paranormal' on my interests list, but after seeing fifty pages of horribly formatted fonts on garish backgrounds highlighting Eric P.'s pictures of his attic ghost, I firmly am of the opinion that this is the internet's fault. Case in point. It's a page devoted to a GIANT SPACE BLIMP. That NASA created. And for no reason, a FUCKING STAR DESTROYER. BECAUSE THAT WILL REALLY BACK UP YOUR DATA.

Pages like This.

Pages that appear to have a bunch of info, but are in fact link whores to other sites. It's kind of like giving a cardboard cutout of a cookie to a baby and then telling him that he should go to the next door neighbor's house to enjoy the real cookie. Oh, and then telling him to sign up for a Pro Membership in order to have more cookies.

Stumbling to Digg/Reddit.

This doesn't even make sense. Why would I stumble to a page that is a link to the other page? What the fuck did people want me to read? The page that it links to, or six pages of "Good link nice job"?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

On the topic of Love


So in case anyone hasn't heard of the notorious Anti-Gay bill in Uganda would do well to check that out. [Thank you, Washington Post. I'm sure newspaper heaven will have a nice cozy spot for you] But to be succinct, the bill makes it illegal to be homosexual or have homosexual relations with another person.

Pisses me off. What the fuck right do they have to decide who can fuck who? Especially if the two fuckers in question were consenting persons of legal age. Fucking deal with the fucking, fucking government fuckers. Pardon my vernacular.

Okay, let me back up. I guess the bill doesn't exactly make it illegal to be gay, because that's been a law for a hundred years. What it does do is make the penalties much harsher, and makes it a primary offense of sorts. Essentially, if you are gay, or sympathize with gays, or say being gay is OK, or have gay sex, or be associated with gay people, you can be thrown in jail.

Obviously a perfectly sane bill wrote by perfectly sane people with viewpoints we should respect and tolerate.

After all, it's just their opinion, right? They just also happen to run a country but HEY HEY LET'S NOT OFFEND ANYONE HERE.

And just to top off this shit sandwich, it is of course connected to some wackos in Pennsylvania.

Kill me now.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Get some shit up off my chest, Part Deux

So maybe I took it a bit hard. Whatever. I'm taking it really well, in my humble opinion.

Everyone else is crying their guts out. But here's the deal: shit happens. I don't really give a fuck what you do with your life. So go out and do it. Just know that your actions have consequences. On other people.

I guess all I'm trying to say here is that everyone is making too big of a deal about this. Sure, I may be being distant, maybe that's just the way I like to deal with things. In my other worlds, things are simpler.

The plug meets the port, the data is sent, the command is executed. The box does what I tell it too, things are simple.

I strum, I sing, sound comes out. Things are simple.

But people aren't like that, you know? People are stupid and impulsive and they do stupid shit all the time and rarely think about what that shit does to other people. Then they apologize and get emotional and cry their fucking eyes out.

But shit happens. And sometimes you have to pull up your fucking bootstraps and deal with it. What happens happens, learn to live with it. Don't spend all of your time apologizing for past wrongs. Say sorry if need be and move on.

Move the fuck on.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Get some shit up off my chest.


Yeah, Mom, I love the new house. It's great. I really, really really like it here.

It's just great.

But let's get something clear.

This is not my home, this is your house. The house I reside in is my father's house.

I had a home, yeah, back about a week ago. But that home is gone. Now, I have two houses.

Two fucking houses. One of which I have free reign over, the other is yours. One of them is full of my stuff, the other is full of our old stuff. I don't really care.

You can do what you want with your life. But this is not my separation, this is my parent's separation. Your separation. I still have my family.

They just aren't together, I guess. They just have different houses. Two different houses.

But it's okay, I'll help you set up your TV and your internet and your phone. And sure, we can use dad's truck. I'm sure he won't mind. I'm sure he won't mind moving his previous lover's things. Their previous relationship detritus. It's perfectly fine, I'm sure.

Because I can look at this in two ways. One of which is brightly, the other, not so bright.

So forgive me for laughing and smiling, forgive me for telling my sister what I hear, forgive me for not being so completely enthralled with your new life, Mom.

It's just a new house, right? A new house.

Now I have two houses.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Older but what the hey.

I posted this an eternity ago on CrapSpace but I think it deserves a repost.

Mk, here's my long winded view on religion, the three monotheistic religions (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism) in particular, seeing as they are the largest in the world right now. Most of my points will be directed towards Christianity, as in America it is the biggest religious force.

First off, let me say that I do not believe in any religion. I take interest in the occult and the supernatural, but I do not believe in any deity, for he/she has not shown his/herself to me. I am an atheist, I am not a skeptic.

I have a number of reasons I find fault with contemporary religion, starting with the omnipotent deity idea.

In Christianity, you are told that God is everywhere and anywhere and knows everything. Ignoring for now the fact that no one has ever found scientific data to support this idea, we come to the quandary of have an omnipotent ruler.

Christians talk about how God gave them free will, but a belief in an omnipotent God makes that idea untrue. Why? If God knows everything, then he knows the future. If he knows the future, then he knows what everyone's actions will be. If he knows that, and judges everyone upon death like it says in the bible, then he would have already chosen who will burn in 'hell'.

Is that a loving God? No.
Then why worship him?

If God created everything, as it explains in Genesis, then he would have created all the evils in the world, correct? But any christian you talk to would deny that. The typical christian response is that "since evil is simply an absence of good, then God created only good, and evils only arise as people deny his goodness" (conveniently glossing over the fact that God knows everything, and could guide people back to his Goodness if he wanted to). But the flaw in this explanation arises when one examines God's 'goodness'.

Without even touching upon the evils in the bible (the massacres of the Medianites, the Benjamites, the Syrians, etc) one could argue that even though evil is the 'absence of good', one could still commit 'evil' whilst being 'good'. Consider this: If a being had the power to avert a massacre of innocents with no ill effect to anyone else, and he/she refused to avert the disaster, for no reason other than personal satisfaction, is that being evil?

What sort of God would condemn humans to death? What about to eternal torture in hell? Judged or not, that's not the work of a loving God. Thus God is not loving.

Another reason I oppose religion is that religion fosters ignorance. In any religion, a cornerstone point is that all truths can be divined from the religion, and any other ideas are false and heresy. This is what prompted the Church to murder Galileo when he (gasp) thought that the earth revolved around the sun [EDIT: He didn't found Copernicanism, he just popularized it, and the Church placed him under house arrest, not a death sentence TECHNICALLY - thanks @comradeoglivy], and not the other way around. This idea was only adopted by the church in 1992. That was 17 years ago. That was about 370 years after Galileo's idea.

Three hundred and seventy years. Think about it. This is now common knowledge. It was common knowledge in 1992. It was common knowledge in about 1880. But the Catholic Church denied it, because in their 2000-year old text, it says something different.

Even today, when evolution is the only scientifically backed 'creation' theory, religious groups still cling to their ancient ideas of a magical man in the sky who made them from dirt and bones.

Knowledge is power. Religion squashes knowledge, because it tells us that all the answers to everything are in ancient books.

Not to say I find the Bible/Koran/Book of Mormon/etc are not completely useless, they are interesting fictional tales about ancient life. They give us a portal into the day-to-day life of civilizations long gone. But they are not things to be used and taken as fact.

Religion is an outdated, ignorant, pointless idea that relies on circular arguments (The bible is true because it says so in the bible), ancient ideas (the world is FLAT), and ridiculous claims (we all go to a cloud city when we die!). It should not be taught to anyone, least of all children, who are hard-wired to take knowledge from adults as fact. In my mind, telling your children that you go to hell if you're bad is just the same as brainwashing.

And that is why I don't like religion.

Monday, December 7, 2009


So a while back on my fuzzbook I started this thread. And lo, it was good.

And someone screencapped it. To them, good sir, I tip my cap.

And then it got on the internet. So here I am, plugging my own thread. What gives.

It looks like this and the common name for it is "Epic Facebook Thread".

Enjoy. I am not going to cite this because GODDAMNIT IT IS MINE.