Saturday, March 13, 2010

Crossing the fucking line.

That is. That link. That article. That is crossing the fucking line.

This is no less than blatant censorship and brainwashing of our educational system. This is not good. This needs to be fucking fought against.

I’m kind of tired of bipartisanship. I’m tired of democrats pandering to whatever the fuck that republicans want. It’s gone too far. The dems need to grow some fucking ovaries and deal with their shit.

If the right wing is threatening to filibuster the healthcare reforms, then it’s time to fucking ditch the “let’s be friends” approach. If a person can value personal wealth and tradition over social health and plain common sense, that person is less intelligent than required to represent the people.

If the people have a problem with gung-ho-ing the leadership of the good ol’ USA, tough shit. Bush did the same thing for eight years and nobody did much more than raise a tizzy. If you elected your ruler, he has the right to command your goddamn country.

Honestly, we need some change. Real change. Not Obamachange, because thus far that’s got us about jack shit. He’s better than Bush, yeah, but only because a Lawful Neutral in command is better than a Chaotic Evil in command.

It’s not good enough, though. We need more. We need Bush mentality and liberal politics. Healthcare reform must be passed. Climate change must be addressed. The economic meltdown must be dealt with.

These aren’t obligations anymore. They’re completely necessary, and if we neglect them now then Obama will be just the calm before the storm. People can only be pushed so far.

And we’re getting awfully close to the tipping point.

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