Omegle conversation log
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey.
You: I am so tired.
Stranger: hi
Stranger: y?
You: Entertain me.
You: I am tired due to all the sex I had.
You: With my wife.
You: Sharon.
Stranger: um
You: Sharon McGurdy.
You: We live in Minnesota.
Stranger: well
You: Scottsdale Minnesota.
Stranger: how old r u?
You: I am thirty-two.
You: A ripe old age for a ripening Scottsman.
Stranger: omg
Stranger: we r same age as my daddy
Stranger: haha
Stranger: OMG
Stranger: not 2 old
You: No, not too old.
Stranger: ya
Stranger: im only 13 years old
Stranger: i no
You: Are you a female?
Stranger: and im from united sates
Stranger: ya
Stranger: im a f
You: Where in the United States?
Stranger: chicago
Stranger: y u want to no that
You: Mmm, Illinois... land of milk and butter.
You: I have a cousin there, Eric.
You: Eric Junderson.
You: He lives in Dallyvalle, outside of Pinkerton.
Stranger: oh rly?
Stranger: good ..
You: Yeah, we talked by phone just this morn.
Stranger: im just bored
Stranger: i have nothing to do
You: So am I, my nephew told me about this site.
Stranger: my partens are sleeping rite now
You: His name is Jared.
Stranger: oh
Stranger: good
You: He carries the same strong Scottsman blood as I.
Stranger: rite
Stranger: i have a question
Stranger: like..
Stranger: where is ur wife?
You: In her bed, sleeping. Like a good wife.
You: But often my mind strays... to other, more socially unaccpetable thoughts.
You: I assume you are a good christian, correct?
You: A good christian should not think in a sinful way.
Stranger: rite
Stranger: i am not
You: You have not accepted Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior?
You: To guide your sould until the fires of Hell consume the land?
Stranger: well
You: To raise and nurture your four biblical children?
You: Jared, Ishmael, Abraham, and Susan?
You: In Scottsdale, this is the norm.
Stranger: oh
Stranger: im kind of confused
Stranger: rite
Stranger: do u think ur old?
You: I think I am in the prime of my Minnesotan years.
Stranger: oj
Stranger: *ok
You: Soon, I shall raise a farm, on my family's land, after Father passes.
Stranger: umm
You: Then I can teach Jared and Abraham how to ride a horse.
Stranger: can we talk about another this..
Stranger: *thing
Stranger: that's kind of bored
You: Sure, whaT?
Stranger: ummm
Stranger: anything
Stranger: like the fun thing for me
Stranger: think about it
Stranger: like fun thing for a girl like my age
Stranger: 13 years old
Stranger: hello!!
You: ...?
Stranger: r u here?
You: I am here.
You: I do not know to what you are referring.
You: Give me another clue.
Stranger: oops
Stranger: i have 2 go
Stranger: bye!
You: Goodbye, Susan.
You have disconnected.
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