Monday, September 20, 2010

Do you feel that people take you seriously, or do they always seem to think you're just kidding around? If so, either way, is it beneficial?

I am a really, really cynical, sarcastic person. So I don't exactly blame people when they rarely take me seriously. It's not their fault, I've set it up that way, whether I want to or not.

That said, it is frustrating sometimes. I'm a funny guy, I kid around, but sometimes stuff is serious and it's times like those that I get a bit annoyed when people don't take me seriously. Typically I try to solve that by being louder, but for some strange reason that doesn't seem to work so much.

Is it beneficial? If I want to be not taken seriously, it's great. But if I do, it's a bit frustrating.

Ask me anything

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